Original Acu-Pour Sand Casting Accessory
This is a special tool that I invented to help people with the pouring of the molten metal when sand casting. It helps with shaky hands and when a crucible is set onto the flat top section and tipped to pour, the metal pours much easier into the sand casting hole. Picture 5 shows it with a flask and picture 4 shows it with a whip handle and crucible for easier pouring. ***Flask, whip handle, and crucible not included.
* Made to work with either a right or left handed pour and only fits the small flask.
* Designed to work with either my aluminum side pour flask or with the Delft Clay flask that pours from the top.
* Measures about 6 inch long (not including tightening bolt) x about 3 3/4 inch wide x 3 inches tall.
* Included is one steel Acu-Pour, one round tightening plate, and one tightening bolt.
* Not included - Sample sand casting flask, and sample metal melting dish with handle.
Shipping: Due to the weight, this item will ship USPS Priority which is 2 - 3 days for U.S. orders.
* International Shipping: This item is heavy and must be shipped USPS Priority which is generally 10 days.